Life was Meant to be an Adventure; Not a Rut!

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2022

It is easy to stuck in the rut of ritual and repetition. It is even easier to get stuck in our comfort zone and to lessen our expectations of ourselves and others. We stay in the same job, associate with the same people, and keep going to all the same places. We become robotic and quit waking up in the morning with the feeling of excitement and aliveness we all long for. How do we get back to the basics of rejuvenating and raising the bar in our lives? 

What Keeps You From Exploring NEW?

When was the last time you did something new? I know it is easy for me to get stuck doing the same workouts, eating the same things, going to the same places and doing things with the same people. My son, who has multiple disabilities, is the same way. We get comfortable staying in our daily ruts. Thinking outside the box or doing something new can almost feel exhausting let alone having to put the thought into action.

Think of “NEW” as Exhilarating, not Exhausting

My son loves to memorize all the towns in New Jersey. One day he started asking me if we could go visit different towns. He also likes exotic foods from different countries so we came up with an idea. At least one time a month, we  go to a different restaurant in a different town. He has to do the work to find the town and a restaurant. He absolutely loves it and the his excitement has rubbed off on me. He is pictured above on one of our trips to NYC. We both have found that inviting newness into our lives did exactly the opposite that we thought it would. It is actually rejuvenating us not exhausting us. Getting out of daily ruts even in small ways can be liberating.

 Exploring is Where You Find the Treasures

My son saw a glass blowing school near where we live. Now that is something I would have never thought of. We signed up to take a class together and can't wait to try it. There are so many opportunities waiting to found!

We all were made to live and feel that aliveness inside of us. We were not made to be couch potatoes or bound by our addiction to cell phones. It may feel like it is too much or exhausting to change an old habit, but looking at life more as an opportunity to grow and thrive will revive that adventure you long for. 

Are you stuck in the rut? Start thinking of small things you can do to invite new people, opportunities, and places into your life. Start to think of  life almost as a place of discovery.  Begin to explore new things and you will be surprised at the treasures you may find that you never even knew were there.


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