How has COVID19 Changed You?

Uncategorized May 19, 2020

We have now been in quarantine for 8 weeks. Remember when this started? We ran to the store waiting in huge lines to stock up on everything. The shelves were bare without toilet paper, wipes, canned goods, and so much more. Amazon dried up and online shopping was a disaster. We began disinfecting everything and the gloves came out to fight a viral enemy none of us could see.  Schools were going crazy and teachers were scrambling to get online. Our kids could feel the mania and we were all on high alert. We will never forget it. It will be etched into my brain forever!

After eight weeks, the world has calmed down a little. We are all itching to get back into life again. What is the positive part about the quarantine? It has given us time to think.  I have thought a lot about life prior to Covid19 versus now. In pre-Covid19 days, my son was constantly asking me to teach him to play the card game solitaire. He wanted to learn to play the piano and do some architectural Lego building projects. My answer to him was always, “We are too busy right now, but “someday” we will.” That “someday” never happened until the Covid19 pandemic.  

I don’t know how to play the piano any more than my son, but we are taking online lessons and having a blast!  We have built Las Vegas using Legos and are currently building New York City. Jacob can now play solitaire using cards and an app on his phone. Given his disabilities, it has taken a lot of time, patience, and many daily lessons. We have finally done what I told him we would do “someday”, but never did.

The world will not be the same when we return to it.  I hope we will reflect on our lives and not go back to who we were prior to Covid19. Prior to quarantine, I lived in my car taxiing my son everywhere. Our lives were filled with chaos and it frequently was hard to find time to breath.

Recently, I made a list of activities we are not going back to once the world opens up. If anything, the coronavirus has reminded me of the value of NOW.  We all recognize that life is too short, or we would not be spending most of our time and money trying to avert the aging process. None of us want to leave the world with regret over the things we didn’t do or continuously tell our children “someday” we will find the time. Don’t go back to the things you hated or all the chaos you had pre-Covid19. Make changes….slow down a little, enjoy life with your family, and LIVE!

Share in the comments below what you have learned and how Covid19 has changed you!


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